Habits of Work

Habits of Work

What is the difference between a Habits of Work progress report and an academic report card?

The Habits of Work progress report, which goes home approximately every four weeks, provides you with information related to your student’s behavior, effort, and work habits.  It focuses on the habits necessary to be a successful student.  The academic report card, sent separately, provides you with information related to your child’s academic performance in each class.   Effort does not necessarily correlate to performance.  Therefore, we feel that the two reports will provide you with an accurate picture of your student’s progress through high school.



I am ready to learn. I have all materials necessary to engage in class. I start the class routine unprompted.

Engagement for Learning

I actively participate in class and I own my learning.  I embrace collaboration and support positive group dynamics.

Academic Effort

I positively approach learning challenges.  I can stick with a problem when it is challenging.  I do my own work. I accept feedback


I am in control of myself, my actions, and my words. I do not distract myself or others. I am on time and considerate of others in our school community.

These are the four areas of focus for Habits of Work standards. Our goal is for students to be at a “3”in all four areas.

We consolidate the Habits of Work data from all the courses across the four focus areas to arrive at an Overall Habits of Work score.  That combined score is broken into levels shown below.  Students who reach Distinguished or Accomplished are eligible for added privileges. 

Habits of Work Levels

Habits of Work Scoring



Student consistently and independently demonstrates Habits of Work at the highest level.



Student consistently meets the Habits of Work standards.



Student meets Habits of Work standards inconsistently or may need reminders. 


Needs Improvement

Student infrequently meets Habits of Work standards.



Student does not meet Habits of Work standards even with redirection.